“R” vs. “L”
How to pronounce “R”- Purse your lips, keeping your mouth slightly open in an oval shape.
- Raise the middle and back of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth, but don’t touch it.
- Vibrate your vocal cords
Listen to: “r” sound from the CPA alphabet
Listen to: refund, radio, write, rig, reservation, syrup, truck, cereal, pay-per-view, north, murderer
How to pronounce “L”
- Put the tip of your tongue against the ridge above your top front teeth
- Vibrate your vocal cords
- Quickly release your tongue
Listen to: “ l” sound from the CPA alphabet
Listen to: labour, letter, lunch, valuables, pillow, plumber, drywall, bill, withdrawal
Watch: right vs. light Watch: river vs. liver Watch: pray vs. play Watch: rice vs. lice
Exercise 1 "L" vs."R" Tongue Twisters
Exercise 2 "L" vs."R" Minimal Pairs
Exercise 3 "L" vs."R" Listening Pyramid