Exercise 70.1: The correct meaning

Do the following sentences have exactly the same meaning as the sentences above them? Answer Yes or No.

Example: Edmonton is smaller than Calgary.
Calgary is bigger than Edmonton.
Answer: yes.

1. She is an extremely efficient mail carrier.
She delivers the mail very efficiently.

Yes No

2. No car on earth is faster than this one.
This is the fastest car on earth.

Yes No

3. This bag is too small for these packages.
These packages are too small for this bag.

Yes No

4. This bag is too small for these letters.
This bag is not small enough for these letters.

Yes No

5. The north route is a little longer than the south.
The south route is a little shorter than the north.

Yes No

6. She hardly had time to finish.
She almost didn't have time to finish.

Yes No

7. This car is the cheapest you can get.
This car costs more than the others.

Yes No

8. This route is so long, it takes two people to complete it.
Two people are required to complete this route because it is so long.

Yes No

9. This route is my favourite because it's the fastest.
Because it's the fastest, this route is my favourite.

Yes No

Unit 70