Exercise 69.3: Sentences of comparison

Do the following sentences of comparison have exactly the same meaning as the sentences above them? Answer Yes or No.

Example: It was 0oC in Edmonton yesterday. It was 12oC in Calgary yesterday.
It was much warmer in Calgary than Edmonton yesterday.
Answer: yes.

1. My new job requires me to provide a driver's abstract; so did my old one.
Both of my jobs required me to provide a driver's abstract.

Yes No

2. Delivering mail is a physical job. My other job answering phones is not.
Both of my jobs are physically demanding.

Yes No

3. Jonah makes $10 a delivery. Shanda makes $15. Barrett makes $25.
Jonah makes much less money than Barrett.

Yes No

4. Jonah has been working for three years. Shanda has been working for four.
Both Jonah and Shanda have been working for the same number of years.

Yes No

Unit 69