Exercise 41.1: Verb formations for future time

Change the order of the words or groups of words to make a correct sentence.

  1. is
  2. leaving
  3. my plane
  4. this evening

Answer: 3124

Question 1

  1. I think
  2. I'll visit
  3. in Edmonton
  4. my cousin

Correct order:

Question 2

  1. nine this evening
  2. the bus for
  3. Edmonton
  4. leaves at

Correct order:

Question 3

  1. in a hotel
  2. going
  3. to stay
  4. I'm

Correct order:

Question 4

  1. West Edmonton Mall
  2. hotel in
  3. in a
  4. I'm staying

Correct order:

Question 5

  1. going
  2. Galaxyland
  3. I'm
  4. to visit

Correct order:

Question 6

  1. is
  2. with me
  3. my cousin
  4. coming

Correct order:

Question 7

  1. we'll probably
  2. go
  3. to
  4. the World Waterpark

Correct order:

Question 8

  1. spend
  2. I'll
  3. lots of money
  4. at the mall

Correct order:

Question 9

  1. going
  2. I'm
  3. poor
  4. to be

Correct order:

Unit 41